
Mobile Escape Game at Colorado College

The Clue Room had the pleasure of hosting our Mobile Escape Game at Colorado College for a two-day event for their freshmen orientation. Here’s a fun preview of what the two days and our mobile escape game looked like:

Their Mission:

In ‘Museo d’Secreto’, participants explore the mysterious Museum of Secrets where a nefarious spy organization is sharing crucial intel. The adversary, codename The Destroyer, has plans to release all their information exposing them to deadly assassins.

How It Worked:

For this event, we hosted 700 students over six one-hour long rounds. Roughly, 115 students per round. Their individual groups ranged from 4-14 students. Using the beautiful Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center, we created an accessible Mobile Escape Games using the two floors of the facility. In the end, we had five groups succeed in our ‘Museo d’Secreto’ game.

The Clue Room Mobile Escape Games
One of the victorious teams at The Clue Room Mobile Escape Game Experience

Our hybrid Mobile Escape Game format has puzzles that vary from physical to digital to provide a unique and exhilarating adventure. We used the entire space to give the students a fully immersive experience.

Similarly to our Live Escape Games, teams are not penalized for asking questions. Therefore, our staff played an active part in the game to provide clues and answer questions the entire hour.

Like our other Escape Games, ‘Museo d’Secreto’ was designed in-house by our staff. Additionally, we personalized the experience with a puzzle that helped the students learn more about the patrons of their amazing performing arts center.

The Clue Room had such a pleasure hosting the freshmen class of 2026. Thanks to the Colorado College staff for the opportunity! We look forward to working with you in the future.

The Clue Room Mobile Escape Game staff
The Clue Room staff at The Clue Room Mobile Escape Game

Contact us to learn more!

If you’re looking for a unique Live Escape experience, look no further than The Clue Room’s Mobile Escape Games. We can host our Mobile Escape Games anywhere. Visit our Mobile Escape Game page to learn more!

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