Come experience our newest Live Escape Game: In Queso Emergency! Now Open!

Safety at The Clue Room

As some of you may have heard, a tragedy recently occurred at an escape game company in Poland. This occurred as a result of the young victims being physically locked in their escape game when a fire broke out in the building which they were playing in .

For those people who are concerned about safety at The Clue Room, please know that you are never locked into any of our twelve games. In compliance with Centennial City Fire Code, we structure our live escape games to be fun, but never to endanger our guests.

This tragedy in Poland is very saddening to us. For that reason, we want to reassure all previous and future guests that your safety is always our principal concern. Please call us at 303-955-1722 if you have any questions about our facilities or the safety measure taken in our games.

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